
Thanks for taking time to look at my blog.
This was made for aspiring writers by an aspiring writer, these are little hints that I've discovered along my writing journey.

Most of the websites I talk about in my blogs will be posted off to the right as a link.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I know this word might imply the word boring to you, on the contrary you might find it quite the opposite.  Think of it this way: if you’re researching a topic to make something you love it probably won’t be all that bad, maybe even enjoyable.  When doing research for your book you don’t have to go into depth but it is usually best to know as much about the subject you’re writing about as you can.  Field trips or hands on learning is probably the best way to go.  For instance I wanted to learn about piloting aircraft, it just so happened that at an airport in a nearby town they offered a free flight program called Young Eagles (for more information and to find a Young Eagles chapter in your area go to: http://www.youngeagles.org/ ) and I took advantage of this.  I was fortunate enough to be co-pilot and was allowed to take the controls a few times (I can’t promise the same experience for everyone but it will probably be a great one none the less).

If you can’t participate in a program there are many volunteer opportunities.  To learn about horses my sister and I volunteered at a school to help kids with special needs ride horses.  Another good thing to try that will help get you involved in lots of good activities is 4-H.  They offer such things as Horse riding, shooting sports, arts and crafts, woodworking, and to many other things to try and list here.  Not only are many of these activities fun to do for research but they also build relationships with many people even if you aren’t much of a people person like me.

If you use the internet compare with other sources to ensure you have accurate information.

Remember to go about your research with a plan, not just looking up information that you think you might, maybe, possibly, somehow use at some time or other and have so many books to read you don’t know where to start.  A good rule of thumb is simply research one thing at a time and learn it thoroughly.  However you don’t want to let a good learning opportunity pass by.  If there is some kind of special conference (especially if it’s free) about something you think you might need, go for it.

Never stop learning.  Always carry a small notepad and pencil with you for taking notes in case you happen to learn something or see something interesting that you might add into your book (better to be safe than sorry).

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