
Thanks for taking time to look at my blog.
This was made for aspiring writers by an aspiring writer, these are little hints that I've discovered along my writing journey.

Most of the websites I talk about in my blogs will be posted off to the right as a link.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Blog

Well this is my first official blog.  I might as well tell you what I am going to make this blog about.
I've started writing several books, a few movie / play scripts, and a few poems here and there.  Now for any boys reading this you may think that this is going to be another boring site about romance novels, not really (at all)!  I write mostly sci-fi, action adventure, fantasy, and some a little bit of all.  As I write these books I'd like to share some tips and discoveries which will help out any other aspiring writers out there, and once I finish the first of my books (I'm writing a trilogy right now and later maybe a prequel and sequel), I'll give you information on how to get a hold of a copy.

Right now I'm taking the One Year Adventure Novel course which has been extremely helpful and I highly recommend it.  If I can I'll post a link to their page but until I do just google it and it should be the first thing that pops up.  They also just recently came out with a separate sci-fi and fantasy novel course (however you need to do the original course first before doing this one).