
Thanks for taking time to look at my blog.
This was made for aspiring writers by an aspiring writer, these are little hints that I've discovered along my writing journey.

Most of the websites I talk about in my blogs will be posted off to the right as a link.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Book Updates

I know I usually have advice on how to write your book but I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to write down any tips, so this blog will just be a quick update on what I'm doing with my books.

First of all I've had an idea for a book that I wanted to write for about eight or nine years now and I started actually writing it down and coming up with more ideas in the past year or two.  Now it's actually going to be more like a trilogy and later I'll write a prequel and then a sequel.  I'd rather not disclose much information now (until I can get it copyrighted, because you never can tell who looks at your stuff on the internet), so all I can tell you is it has lots of action and is a sort of sci-fi fantasy mix, with dragons and elves and all that other good stuff.

Also I've had what I call brain floods, which is somewhat like a brainstorm but so much more so with so many ideas pouring in I hardly have time to write one down before two more come in.  Once I'm done writing my trilogy I've got a list of other books to write (some of them I've actually already started on).  I'm going to write a western (inspired by something my dad said), a time travel book, a sort of "end of the world because of a nuclear war" book (it will probably be in to parts), a secret agent book (to name a few).  Plus just last night I had this really crazy dream which would make a pretty awesome book (this is another one that I would love to talk about but rather not until I get it copyrighted just because it's such a good idea).  Also I've written and will probably write more children's books (mainly picture books).  I haven't had these published yet and I really need to soon but one is about this kid who tries to pull a rabbit out of his hat but instead gets an elephant.  The other is just a quick adventure two goat kids have when they escape from their pen and get lost in the woods.

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